The Places in Your Home Most Likely to Attract Pests

Pests can be a major pain, no matter which pest you find yourself dealing with. They’re all a nuisance at a minimum and a threat to your health and safety at worst. 

You should always keep an eye out for signs of pests in your home, but you don’t have the time to comb over every inch of your house looking for them. Fortunately, some places in your home are more likely to attract pests than others. Do you know where they are?


There are a few things pests need to survive: food, water, and shelter. Bathrooms supply at least two of the three. Bathrooms are arguably the dampest rooms in a house. The easy access to water makes them enticing to pests like ants, spiders, centipedes, cockroaches, termites, and silverfish. 

In the case of spiders and centipedes, they’re attracted by the presence of other pests that they prey on. Controlling the humidity in your bathroom may make it a less attractive place for pests.

The Kitchen

If there’s one place that fulfills more of a pest’s needs than bathrooms, it has to be the kitchen. Not only does it provide ample access to water and safe spaces to hide, but it also offers unparalleled access to food. 

Spills entice them with their scent, as does the stench of your garbage. Closing your garbage cans will help discourage pests from entering your kitchen. So will cleaning up spills when they happen and keeping food in tightly sealed containers.

The Attic

Attic spaces generally go undisturbed, which makes them an ideal habitat for pests. Some will feed on the wood and insulation in your attic, making it an even more attractive place to live. They often find their way in through holes in your roof, which is just one of the reasons to properly maintain your roof. Once they’ve gotten in, it’s usually best to let mice control and tap insulation professionals who have completed SPCB certifications handle their removal.

Because some places in your home are more likely to attract pests than others, you can focus your efforts there instead of trying to cover every place on your property. Check your garage as well, especially if you’re prone to leaving the garage door up. There’s no easier way for pests to get in than through a door big enough for a car to fit through. If you do find pests in your home, you may discover that focusing your pest control efforts in the areas they’re most likely to frequent helps address the issue faster.

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