How to Handle Raising a Troubled Teen

Watching your child go through tough times can be extremely difficult as a parent. Often, you’ll feel like you’re suffering right alongside them when they’re not happy. It can be even more difficult to watch your teens make unwise decisions that could lead them down a bad path. If you feel that your teen is struggling or troubled, here are a few ways you can try to help them and intervene.

Find Ways to Support Them

First of all, it is important to find ways to support your teen. Your support doesn’t always have to be verbal for them to appreciate it and respond to it. After all, your actions will often speak louder than your words, especially when your teens don’t like to listen to what you say. If your teen is showing interest in particular activities or pastimes that are good, show your support by talking to them about those activities, or by attending them. For example, go to their band concert, view their art show, attend their sports games, or watch the videos that they edit and make with their friends. This will show your teen that you care about them.

Get Them the Help They Need

Next, make sure that you’re paying close attention to your teen so you know if you need to intervene with more professional help. A lot of teens experience bouts of mental health difficulties, whether they actually develop into long-term mental illnesses or not. It can be helpful for them to have counseling or therapy to help them to process and understand their feelings. Youth that get the early interventions that they need are more likely to finish high school. Help them to understand how these additional resources can help them to be happier and more successful.

Create a Safe Space for Conversation

Finally, make sure that you’re always creating a safe space for conversation in your home. Your teen needs to know that they can trust you and come to you with their deep concerns and problems. If you’re constantly criticizing, berating, or correcting them, they might not ever want to have a conversation with you. Make sure that you communicate with them in a way that encourages positive and private conversation. Allow them to express their feelings and validate their experiences. This will help them to trust you when they need you the most.

So, if you have a teen that is going through some rough times, don’t give up hope. Remember that there are many ways that you can help them such as finding ways to support them, getting them the help that they need, and creating a safe space for conversation. However, also remember that you can’t force your teen to do anything. It will be most helpful when they can learn to make the correct decisions of their own free will, and your support can encourage that.

Check out this article on what teens are struggling most with today!

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