Red Flags to Watch Out for In Your Teens

Teenagehood always comes along with rapid hormone changes that cause mood swings, irritability, tempers, and more. However, there are some irregular red flags that you should be looking out for in your teens. These red flags could help you to discover difficult challenges that they are facing and need help with, such as mental illness or suicidal thoughts.

Rapid Weight Loss or Gain

One possible red flag that you might notice in your teens is rapid and extreme weight loss or gain. If you’re noticing that your teen’s weight is fluctuating very rapidly and unusually, they could be suffering from an eating disorder or a mental health issue. Be observant of what they eat, and try to serve them food that is healthy, well-balanced, and well-liked by them. If you continue to notice rapid weight loss or gain, you might consult with a doctor or mental health professional to help your teen regain their health. 

Signs of Depression

You should also be on the lookout for signs of depression in your teen. There are many possible signs of depression that might be manifesting in your teen. These might include dramatic changes in mood and behavior, difficulty studying at school, irregular sleeping and eating habits, lack of energy and motivation, and even complaints of physical pain. You should also be aware of possible signs of suicidal thoughts, or suicidal ideation. Learning the signs of suicidal ideation can help save a loved one. For example, if you see your teen disconnecting from social settings and close friendships and relationships, this could be a sign of suicidal ideation. 

Extreme Change in Routines

Another possible red flag that you might see in your teen is an extreme change in their normal routines. For example, they might start sleeping excessively. The physical changes of adolescence will probably make your teen more tired than usual. However, if you notice that they’re sleeping excessively, like more than 10 hours per day, that could be an indication that they’re suffering from depression. Your teen also might start showing a loss of interest in their favorite hobbies or pastimes or abandoning their friends. These can also be signs of a mental health crisis that needs attention and care. Your teen is bound to change their interests and routines, particularly as they get used to changes in life, such as starting high school. However, noticing extreme changes in their routines could indicate a larger problem.

So, as you’re trying to help your teen stay healthy and encouraged through the difficult years of adolescence, remember these tips. Make sure that you’re looking out for red flags that might indicate that they’re suffering from mental illness or other serious problems. This can help you to better care for your teen, especially when they’re in dire need of healing and help.

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