Pests That Pose a Danger to Your Family

Some pests are little more than a nuisance that might make you squirm a little when you see them. Others are actually dangerous and can threaten your health and the health of your family. 

It’s important to know what pests fall into which category and how much of a threat they pose so you know what actions to take when you spot them.


Cockroaches have a reputation for being especially tough to eliminate. They can survive extreme temperatures, don’t drown easily, and even losing their heads (literally) won’t stop them immediately. 

Aside from being tough to kill, cockroaches also carry multiple types of bacteria and parasitic worms and can spread multiple diseases. Their presence can also cause allergy flare-ups and asthma attacks. All of those threaten your family’s health.


Most spiders aren’t harmful to humans. A few, however, have a nasty bite that could leave you in a lot of discomfort. Small children, sick people, and elderly people tend to be the most vulnerable to spider bites. Brown recluse spiders, funnel-web spiders, and black widow spiders are among the more dangerous species. 

Brown recluse spiders have a violin-shaped marking on the cephalothorax and like to hang out in undisturbed areas of buildings such as attics, wall and ceiling voids, and storage areas. Funnel-web spiders are aggressive, large, bulky brown spiders that spin funnel-shaped webs. Black widows can be distinguished by the hourglass shape on their abdomen. They make their homes in woodpiles, plants, and burrows that support their webs.

Wasps and Bees

Wasps and bees usually build their nests outside of human homes, but every once in a while they may build them inside. When they do, they pose a serious risk to those living in the home, since even the most gentle-natured bees will aggressively defend their hives against threats. Those who are allergic to wasps and bees are especially vulnerable. Even outdoor nests are a risk. Removing the nests is usually a job best left to pest control professionals who have the knowledge, equipment, and training to do so safely, though you can attempt it yourself if you know what you’re doing.

If you see pests in your home, take action immediately. If your house is infested with rodents or raccoons, you may need to work with an expert so you could get the right rat control and rodent treatment or set up a dog proof racoon trap. It doesn’t matter if they are dangerous or not–you still don’t want them in your home (though the dangerous ones do warrant an added measure of urgency). Catching pests quickly could mean that you can control their presence with DIY pest control methods. Otherwise, contacting pest control professionals will be your best bet.

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