Routines Everyone Needs to Fit in Before Bed

Having routines helps you keep up with healthy habits and it can even reduce your stress levels. Before bed, there is a lot you can do to set yourself up for a new day. 

Establishing these habits as a part of your nightly routine will improve your health and hygiene. 

Cleaning Your Teeth 

While you sleep, your mouth is more susceptible to bacteria. Less saliva is produced which makes your mouth dry and the perfect place for bacteria to grow. Additionally, the bacteria left on your teeth during the day can begin to break down your teeth. 

Not brushing your teeth before bed can put you at risk for gum disease, cavities, and even simply bad breath. Each night, make sure you set aside time to clean your teeth. Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly and use mouthwash to help get rid of any other bacteria. Brushing your teeth before you go to bed is a must and you can’t forget to include it in your routine, which a family dentistry expert will highly recommend. 

Washing Your Face 

Your skin can collect all kinds of sweat, dirt, and oils throughout the day. If all these irritants are left on your skin, they can block or clog your pores. This leads to acne and other skin conditions. Cleaning your face removes any impurities and unclogs your pores. You end up with a more refreshed look as well as healthy, hydrated skin. 

Before you go to bed, make sure you take plenty of time to wash your face. This is especially important if you wear makeup or other products on your face during the day. You want to go to bed feeling nice and clean. After washing, apply moisturizer to your face for some extra protection. 

Practice Mindfulness 

It’s essential to take care of your physical health, but you should also address your mental health each day. Before you go to bed, find your own way to practice mindfulness. For some, this could mean meditating for a while before bed. For others, it could include writing in a journal, listing what they’re grateful for, or even just reflecting on their feelings for the day. Practicing mindfulness before bed gives you a chance to unload your feelings from the day so you can go to sleep with a calm, quiet mind. Additionally, mindfulness helps you live a more centered life that benefits you mentally. 

At the end of the day, it’s easy to push aside routines and simply get into bed. However, making time for these habits can improve several aspects of your health. It’s worth it to fit them in each and every night. 

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