Why Your Tooth is Hurting and What You Can Do About It

Tooth pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Understanding why you are experiencing pain can help you diagnose the issue, begin finding solutions, and potentially raise concerns with your dentist. Keep in mind that some issues may be similar, so you should do plenty of research before you reach a final conclusion.

Tooth Decay 

You may experience tooth decay if there is a buildup of plaque on your teeth that weakens the enamel and the overall tooth. Symptoms of tooth decay can vary. You might feel a continual pain in your tooth that may also keep you up at night. Some people might only feel occasional sharp pains that occur for no clear reason. Instead of pain, you may also experience sensitivity. When you look at your tooth, you might notice gray or brown spots developing where the tooth is decaying. To treat tooth decay, you will need to see a dentist. They can strengthen your teeth with fluoride or even give you a filling if the decay is more severe. It’s also suggested that you reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.

Tooth Infection 

A tooth infection will result in many of the same symptoms as tooth decay, but this condition is more severe. A tooth infection occurs when an abscess forms on the tooth to the point where it reaches the root. If you have an abscess, you can expect more severe pain, sensitivity when chewing/biting, sensitivity to hot or cold, foul breath, fever, or swollen lymph nodes. A tooth infection can lead to discoloration of the gums and teeth. Talk with your dentist to determine if you have an infection. Unfortunately, you may have to have a root canal or even have the tooth removed to address the issue. 

Fracture or Damaged Filling

Although your teeth are quite strong, they are still subject to damage. You might feel pain if you’ve fractured or broken a tooth. The pain may also be due to a damaged filling. See your dentist immediately in these cases. They can determine the extent of the damage and begin treatment. Potential treatment options range from bonding to veneers to dental implants. You can discuss with your dentist which options are ideal for you. 

If your tooth hurts in any way, it can be difficult to determine exactly why you’re experiencing pain. In most cases, your best option is to see your dentist to receive a diagnosis. They can help you find the best treatment. 

Check out this article on how to take care of your teeth after getting braces!

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