How to Avoid a Major Hit to Your Credit

Your credit is like your financial report card. This shows lenders and other financial experts whether or not you can be responsible with your money, and can help you make important purchases in your life. Keep an eye out for these things that can negatively impact your credit score.

Don’t Open Too Many Accounts

One of the things that can cause your credit to decline is if you open too many accounts of credit. Opening too many credit cards, even if you pay them off regularly, tells creditors that you could potentially go deep into debt. To ensure that you’re not opening too many lines of credit, try not to go over about 3-5 credit cards. If you do have too many lines of credit open, consider closing your newest line. Closing an older line of credit can also harm your credit. Closing your newest line of credit allows you to keep a consistent amount of credit, while not sacrificing your current credit score as well.

Make Payments on Time

Another way that you can end up damaging your credit is by making any payments late. Any type of late payment, from bills, to credit card payments, to library fines can negatively affect your credit score. To maintain good credit, it’s important to ensure that you make all of your payments on time. Creating a financial calendar, or setting up automatic payments, can help you accomplish this goal. Most mortgage companies offer you a grace period after missing a payment. If you cannot make a payment because of financial difficulty, speak with your lender to come up with a repayment option. You should also have a few ways of getting the amount that you need to keep up with your payments.

Pay Taxes Correctly

The final important step for maintaining good credit is to ensure that your taxes are paid correctly. Your taxes are important for every part of your finances. If you make a mistake when paying your taxes, it could greatly hurt your credit. It’s important to keep careful track of your income throughout the year to ensure that your taxes are calculated correctly. When it is time to pay taxes, consider meeting with a professional that can assist you with your accounting in order to check every step of the process and avoid any errors. This will allow you to feel confident that you’ve filed correctly, and help you avoid any negative consequences that would have come from incorrect filing. You may also seek deltek outsourced bookkeeping services to help keep an accurate record of your business financial information which can be used when doing your taxes.

One of the most important financial factors to consider is your credit. If you have good credit, any future lenders can see that you are responsible and able to be trusted with a loan. If you have bad credit, you will have trouble with everything from a mortgage to a new cell phone plan. To avoid any major hits to your credit, keep these tips in mind. The top mortgage brokers in Dunedin offer the best mortgage deals and give great customer service as well.

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